Nova Vita Bariatric Surgery

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Most frequent questions and answers

About Bariatric Surgery

What are the benefits of Bariatric Surgery?

Improves  metabolic diseases such as diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, cardiac health among others.

  • Increases Life expectancy.
  • Reduces joint pain.
  • Improves quality of life.
  • Improves personal well-being.
  • Improves personal and social relationships.
  • Reduces the effects of  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Improves fertility of women
  • Increases levels of testosterone in men.
  • Improves sexual Function in both sexes.

How will bariatric surgery help me lose weight?

Each procedure acts through numerous mechanisms both anatomical and physiological. Suchs as: reducing gastric volume, improving appetite management through gut hormonal changes, decreases caloric intake, increases satiety, gastric nutrient malabsorption, enhancement of glucose dynamics and overall improvement of your metabolic profile.

What are the risks of having bariatric surgery? How safe is it to have bariatric surgery?

Weight loss surgery carries lower risk than continuing to live with obesity and its consequences. With today’s safety protocols and technology the procedure is as safe as a gallbladder or appendicitis surgery with complications frequency of <0.5%.

Overall risk and considerations will vary depending on the procedure and the patient’s profile , this will be carefully carried and explained in your pre-operative phase.

Am I eligible for bariatric surgery?

You might be a candidate if:

  • Your age is from 18 to 65 years old.
  • Your BMI is over 40
  • Your BMI is over 35 with several obesity related illness (diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, etc)
  • Had attempted to lose weight and failed several times.
  • Be committed to making and understanding changes and risks associated with the surgery.
  • No psychiatric disorders or substance abuse issues.
  • Not planning to get pregnant in the first 2 years after surgery


Eligibility Criteria is adaptable to patient context in relation to age and BMI lower that 35 with associated comorbidities.


How long will I stay in the hospital?

On average you will spend 2 nights at the hospital.

How long will it take to recover from bariatric surgery?

Full incorporation to your normal day to day life can take 4 to 6 weeks, please understand that this is highly variable since it depends on your lifestyle and daily activities.

How soon can I get back to work?

Most patients return to work within 7 to 10 days after surgery. Instructions will be provided depending on the specific demands of your job.


Can I drink alcohol after weight loss surgery?

With or without surgery alcohol consumption is not recommended.Alcohol consumption after bariatric surgery has been found to cause:

  • Greater toxicity.
  • Dehydration.
  • An Increase in caloric consumption.
  • Interference with weight loss.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Increased risk of substance abuse.

Do I have to quit smoking before weight loss surgery?

Smoking significantly increases risks of complications , we highly recommend to stop smoking before and after surgery.

Will I lose my hair after weight loss surgery?

Hair loss is mainly associated with the rapid weight loss process , however this hair will grow back. Secondary to this we highly encouraged to follow nutritional guidelines to prevent any deficiencies of nutrient correlated to hair loss.

Will I still be able to attend holidays, parties, and social gatherings?

Bariatric surgery provides an opportunity for changes is many aspect of your life, by not focusing in food as well as social eating you can discover that interacting with our love ones can be a new and wonderful experience.

Weight Loss & Body Image

How many incisions will the surgeon make during bariatric surgery?

The surgeon will make 3-5 incisions depending on your weight and how well you did the pre-op diet.

How much weight will I lose?

Studies have reported Excess body weight loss from 50 -70 % within the first 6 to 12 months. There are numerous variables that influence the outcome such as : genetics, environment and lifestyle choices. Having an after care program should be one of your top priorities after surgery.

Will I have loose skin after weight loss surgery?

When gaining weight, skin expands around mass that the body is adding. After losing weight skin is not able to shrink back down.

The amount of loose skin afterwards is different for each person and outside of your control. If excess skin becomes an issue options can be discuss with our bariatric team.

Will surgery change the way I feel about my looks?

We are aware that the rapid changes in your body can be challenging, having a bariatric psychologist is a wonderful resource for developing a Positive body image that will improve your quality of life.

Will surgery change the way I feel about my looks?

We are aware that the rapid changes in your body can be challenging, having a bariatric psychologist is a wonderful resource for developing a Positive body image that will improve your quality of life.


Should I exercise before surgery?

Exercising before surgery has been shown to produce a positive outcome these patients often have less problems and a quicker recovery.

If are already exercising or like to start a training program before surgery let us we will happy to help.

When can I start exercising after surgery?

Your Surgeon can tell you when to start. Post surgical rehabilitation guidelines often encourage low impact activities( brisk walking, stationary bicycling, aerobic chair/sitting workouts,etc) within the first month , progressively increasing the duration per week can be good start. Working with a rehabilitation and exercise specialist is also highly recommended.


Can I get pregnant after surgery?

Patients with difficulties becoming pregnant due to obesity have improve fertility after bariatric surgery and manage to give birth.

How long do I have to wait to get pregnant after having bariatric sugery?

Pregnancy is not recommended in the first 12–18 months following bariatric surgery. Be sure to discuss contraception methods with you Gynecologist-Obstetrician.

Do I have to follow a special diet if I get pregnant after having bariatric surgery?

Nutrition Care is crucial for the gestation period, however pregnancy should be planned and discussed in advanced with a specialist in prenatal care team.


What do I eat after surgery?

After surgery you will follow a 4 stage diet (clear liquids, full liquids, pureed food, soft food) that will progressively prepare your system for a regular healthy diet. This process will take 30-45 days with each stage lasting around 7-10 days depending on your body response.

Am I required to take vitamin and mineral supplements for life?

Eating less is a side effect of bariatric surgery therefore meeting vitamin and mineral requirements only by food is challenging, supplementing on a long term is recommeded for several reasons:

Making sure you get adequate vitamins and minerals (meeting DRI).

Prevent deficiencies you might be at risk , this will vary depending on your procedure (Prophylactic)

Treat a nutritional deficiency in case you present one. (Iron, B12, Calcium, Vitamin D are some examples)

Do I need to take protein supplements?

Aiming for 1.5 g/kg of ideal body weight per day of protein should be your goal (higher intakes can be discuss on individual bases) The use of liquid or powder protein supplements will facilitate Adequate intake in the first year after surgery.

Long term use should be discuss with your dietitian.

Will I be able to eat food I enjoy after bariatric surgery?

Let’s be honest making food taste good makes dieting easier, working a bariatric dietitian will help you improve that relationship you have with food by putting together a plan that consider your goals , food preferences, lifestyle and your overall health.